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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  March 24, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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going to conference and working out the difficulties. it requires hard work and work by committees. but that's the way things give and take. when we get in a situation when everything has to be dictated from above, we set up unnecessary -- >> jim, the president seems to have the same insight, he's seems to have gone around the republican leaders and work one-on-one with the leaders. >> look, i was there for the first two years. i spent a lot of time talking with republicans on both the house and the senate. that's what he's done and that's what the record is. i agree with you that we're working across party lines. i think the senate passing the budget is a good step. it's along the lines the president's proposals laid out. >> one thing that you're seeing, donna, the president's poll numbers have been dropping, now below 50%, basically even now with republicans on the economy, even though he had a big advantage after the election. >> look, when you're in the business of trying to form a
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compromise, get the other side to even come to the table with some commonsense ideas, i'm not surprised that the president is a little lower than 50%. but, you know, we have a budget now, we have a moral document, a blueprint for the policy debates that are going to take place this summer. one of the interesting things that i enjoyed watching was at 2:00 a.m., is that we got a chance to -- i don't get those other channels, george. but, they had an opportunity to talk about the keystone pipeline, they had an opportunity to talk about a biannual budget. this gave the senators more than an opportunity to talk about big issues as well as the budgetary. >> scored a lot of political points with all of those amendments. >> they did. and while this is a normal piece of legislative business, one does wonder why they did it at
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5:00 in the morning? but it is a good thing they got it done. >> you're nodding your head? >> yes, it does seem a little strange that they work sometimes on the hill in a slightly banana republican-esque way. where they're making moves at 3:00 mile all of america is asleep. that having been said, somebody, i think you, george, mentioned the president's numbers deflating a little bit in the past few weeks. i don't think we should forget that this is not all just, quote, budget related. it is, i think, attracts perfectly the sequester drama. in which, i think, where a number of americans started to thinking that the white house is playing games on this. and i think it also tended to track a few other things, a sense that the president may not get down in the middle of things and get them going. also, there is obama care, which
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each day is being followed by some newspaper story saying, there's a new part of it that the senate decided they had to vote out. there's a new part that's going to cost you $1,000 a year. all of this comes together and i think, has a somewhat damaging impact. >> all of the items on his agenda pass. i do want to move another one, there was a significant action this week on guns. we saw harry reid saying that he wasn't going to include the assault weapons ban in his base package on gun control. it turned on this issue of background checks, overnight, we saw mayor bloomberg of new york starting a $12 million ad campaign to target swing senators. >> to me, guns are for hunting and protecting my family. i believe in the second amendment and i'll fight to protect it. but with rights come responsibilities. that's why i support comprehensive background checks,
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so criminals and dangerously mentally ill can't buy guns. that protects my rights and my family. >> jim messina, a lot of resistance from democrats including senator reid. you saw mayor bloomberg right there, he'll be advertising in both democratic and republican districts, you know, you work with organizing for action, the president's super pac, are you going to target ads against democrats as well as republicans on this issue? >> look, we're going to reach out to members on both sides of this. there's a clear consensus in the states on this issue. we're absolutely going to talk to members of both parties. >> but you'll be advertising in democratic disdistricts? >> we'll figure out what advertising it. last week, we had over 100 events across the country. we had over 1 million volunteers in the first month alone, getting involved on this and other issues.
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we'll subtly be advocating on the president's agenda. >> karl rove, we see the national rifle association. >> if you say we should keep the mentally ill and criminals from getting guns, yes. but we're talking about in this instance, having a registry if a grandfather wants to give a treasured shotgun to his grandson or granddaughter, he has to register with the government to give that gun to his grandchildren. in addition, senator schumer insists on keeping a registry of guns. the federal government keeping a national registry of gun sales and gun purchases and gun owners. >> but if you don't have records, how does the background check make a difference? >> it does make a difference. right now, i can go into a gun store in texas to purchase a weapon, i go through a background check,
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they have to ascertain that i don't have a criminal background. and then, i can purchase a gun. why is it's different than that is politics. there could be a lot of mutual agreement found on closing some of these so-called gun show loopholes. we could probably get agreement on a widespread basis of peope saying, you go to a gun show, you pass a check, you get your stub that allows you to purchase a weapon, and that's it. but this goes far beyond that. >> what's the answer to that. >> 40% of all gun sales currently don't go through background checks. background checks have stopped 2 million people from getting guns that they shouldn't get. but, you know, there are loopholes all over the place. the nra and your party, karl, isn't moving us forward. >> let's be clear about this. this is prompted by the sandy hook murders. those guns were legally purchased with a background check. let's be very careful before trampling on the rights of people.
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look, if you want to get something done, then stopped scaring people. >> karl -- stop scaring people, you're scaring people with orwellian sense, that kind of paranoia. >> it's not paranoia. >> people have a fear of it. >> lot of things are registered in the united states of america because they're dangerous. >> do we register other things that are unconstitutional? >> no. the result of this, some of those votes the senate took last week to prevent the justice department, for example, from taking a look at gun shop owners' inventory to make sure there haven't been thefts. voted down by republicans. >> peggy, maybe things haven't changed after newtown. >> here's what i think the problem is, i think congress is attempting to act in a way that
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ignores a central fact. the central fact is that nobody in america really trusts congress. if your congress and you admit that nobody really trusts us, you make simple, discreet, five-page bills, not these big comprehensive things that involve assault weapons, this and that, and putting forward and then having everybody, whoa, i'm not sure i trust you. the reason americans don't trust these big bills is because they think so much mischief is inside. >> i take your point on that. but that doesn't fit that bill as kind of simple? >> if we're at the point where that is a simple bill, on its own, existing on its own, i think it could go forward and do well as long as it does take care of certain things that may be going too far. >> senator reid think he can get through closure if he puts the
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background proposal up first. then couple it with gun safety measures, to keep our schools first and then perhaps, then open it up to additional amendments. look, i think there's still room for negotiations. the senator from west virginia is working with the nra. gun owners, 82% of them believe that this is something to occur. i believe we'll have some action. assault weapons, i don't believe we have the votes on that. it will allow the amendment to come up. it will allow both parties to come up where they stand on assault weapons. i want to move on to something we saw, a pretty remarkable report coming out of the republican national committee this week and their chairman. 100 pages diagnosing what went wrong in the last presidential election. here he was introducing it. >> focus groups described our party narrow minded, out of
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touch and, quote, stuffy, old men. our message was weak. our ground game was insufficient. we weren't inclusive. we were behind in both data and digital, and our primary debate process needed improvement. so, there's no one solution. there's a long list of them. >> karl rove, you go through it and it was pretty candid and fairly harsh diagnosis of what went wrong in the last presidential election. but, in some ways it didn't seem as if the solutions matched the diagnosis, fewer debates, fewer primaries, maybe an earlier convention. >> yeah, look, there are tactical challenges for the party and those are easily described. and you define a crisp answer to it. but the party also faces strategic issues and those aren't easy to define and find the answer. some likely to come from the national chairman.
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one of the interesting things that happened, in recent months, paul ryan, marco rubio, bobby jindal, scott walker, a number of other party leaders, have come forward with very interesting speeches, talking about the future of the party. i think this is a constructive process and i see a lot coming out of it. one strand in most of these speeches, the republican party has to change from being a party of green eye shades to being a party that stands as a party that emphasizes economic growth and prosperity. that allows us to make our argument in every corner of america in a powerful way. an coming from voices, like from bobby jindal and marco rubio gives us greater credibility. >> look, i think there are great things in that report and i think it got it right on the tactics. and i agree with karl. the problem is, and this the
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entire point, they didn't lose 72% of latino votes because of tactics. and they didn't lose women by double digit because of tactics, outreach, they lost it because they're wrong on the issues. they no longer speak to a majority of americans. a pew poll came out this morning an interesting column, saying that the republican brand is at its lowest ebb in 30 years. 58% disapprove. that's not about tactics, that's about issues. >> this report says that he hasn't seen a issue like this, where the party was so out of center since the democrats since in 1968. >> you know, i tend to think that the gop's central problems have to do with things that we don't talk a whole lot about, one is what happened in 2008 and
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the continuing repercussions of the crush. where the party stands. what its positions are on how to create growth. that's becoming part of the party, a rising disagreement, not a disagreement, but a rising difference of emphasis between those who are saying we have to go with growth right now, to we have to handle this debt and deficit thing. another is that i think the republican party has to make clear what its foreign policy is. it has had two wars for the past 12 years, people are still settling in and thinking, the voters have said, we don't like that. we're not for that. the republican party has to make clear what it stands for and it is going to have a little bit of debate to get there. those two big things and the policies that spring from them will make all of the difference, so will an eventual compelling presidential candidate. somebody who is involved right
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now. at the end of the day, it's the candidates who resolve a lot of unresolved things by taking a stand and speaking forcefully for it. >> that was bill clinton after walter mondale lost it. after jimmy carter lost. we had a dynamic governor who was reformed minded and brought those issues into the national forefront. he really helped recharge the democratic party. you know, the republican party is out to lunch. i watched cpac, karl. karl was a former friend. >> i thought i was a current friend? >> you're always a friend, you owe me some chili. >> some fried chicken. >> i saved your life from malaria. >> i did. we go back a long way. here's the thing, the republican party is out to lunch. it's not just mechanics. it's not just communications. it's the party that continues to reject the majority of the
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american people and they feel it they don't want to be associated with a party that talks down to them, that attacks their rights and then call them victims. i think they're out to lunch. as far as i'm concerned, i will give them a bus ticket to continue to stay off the national radar. >> when i was covering the white house and karl was in it with george w. bush, it was a republican party that was looking to that tomorrow and reaching out, winning 40% of the hispanic vote. i remember, there was an event in the east room where president george w. bush, said, on thomas jefferson's birthday, i'm happy and proud to welcome both sides of the jefferson family. the republicans couldn't get away with that today -- >> i disagree. it was a gracious moment. >> i totally agree. >> but we're starting to see a change this week. something happened this week that suggested an opening up to 71% of latinos. you saw rand paul.
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really break down on immigration. a lot of people saw the speech that he gave, this could be the signal that immigration reform passes this year. >> we're not going to deport 12 million illegal immigrants. if you wish to live and work in america, then we'll find a place for you. in order to bring conservatives to this cause, those must understand that a real solution must ensure that our borders are secure. >> karl, you didn't hear that during the republican primary debate. >> let's be clear. before we assign the republican party to the dust pin of history, the republicans have elected in 2010 the largest number of state legislators since 1920. the u.s. house is republican. the senate would have been republican had it not for bad candidates. i suspect we have a lot of
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agreement, not for the todd aiken and rupert murdoch of the year, there might be a republican majority. nobody believes that the president got reelected because of compelling forward-looking agenda for america. he made a mitt romney with a wife that's equestrian -- let's not kid ourself. we have two robust parties. each have their own problems. we're likely to see a competitive political environment for decades to come. as for rand paul, good comment. republicans need to help resolve the issue of immigration reform, in order to get this issue behind us. i think it's interesting. mitt romney got 27% of the latino vote. in the battleground states with exit polling he got 32%. in the battleground of battlegrounds, ohio, he got 42% of latino votes. maybe that's a small sampling.
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nonetheless, the fact of the matter is, the more he was able to make these arguments about the economy and deficit and debt and the affordable care act -- >> but doesn't the republican party have to pass immigration reform, seem to passing it to avoid having the appearance that they're not welcoming? >> the republicans have to play a role, absolutely. my former white house deputy has taken the leadership of the effort in california to help recruit and elect hispanic republicans at the local level. last fall they elected 100 hispanic republicans to school boards, city councils, local units of government. their goal is to elect 300 this year. that's the concerted effort we need to make. we have to take our spokesmen, governors of new mexico and nevada, and get them out there along with the rest of the party, communicating around the country. it's amazing to me. in texas, a republican naturally campaigns everywhere in texas, including latino communities,
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african-american communities, rural, urban. in other states that's not normal. we need to make that normal. the other place that the republican party is going to be more welcoming is on social issues. big week coming up on gay marriage, two big cases. interestingly before this, we saw hillary clinton come out this week and say that she was for gay marriage. >> lgbt americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones. and they are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship. that includes marriage. that's why i support marriage for lesbian and gay couples. >> donna brazile, interestingly, her first message since stepping down as secretary of state. >> absolutely. it echoed something that she said at the u.n. gay rights is human rights. this is a big moment this week,
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two big cases. a moment for the country to finally get on the right side of history. dr. king said that the history of to world is long but it always bends toward justice. a moment to look at the proposition 8 in california, and to declare it unconstitutional and also to repeal doma. these are two big cases. and it's going to have a major impact. >> terry, you cover the supreme court for us. it seems to put two justices especially in an interesting position, justice kennedy, the traditional swing vote for the justices. but maybe, even more chief justice john roberts, 58 years old, likely to be chief justice for a long time. you see how support for gay marriage has surged in the last year. even if he personally may be against it, he's likely to look and see, 10, 15 years, still sitting on the bench, it's going to be 70% support in the country.
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>> there's an institutional challenge to the court in the astonishing speed that the country has changed its mind. the people are way ahead of the elite. the president, when he ran for president was against gay marriage. the supreme court, was in a generation outlawed sodomy for gay people but not for straight people. they overturned that decision. he doesn't want to be that chief justice caught on the wrong side. at the same time, this is a court and these are justices who i don't think want to declare once and for all the way americans should live. they want to let the people do what the people are doing. >> peggy, justice kennedy in his speech in sacramento this month said, a democracy should not be dependent for its major decisions on what nine justices have to say. >> americans don't take it well and don't accept it as a resolution when they decide to put on them what they decide is the right thing.
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one of the great things of roe v. wade, the abortion decision of 40 years ago, was it that it decided everyone had to do it one way, instead of leaving it to the states. to me, it's certainly in way with conservative political thinking, but i think it would be acceptable to liberal thinking, when there are these gnawing, disagreeing questions going on in america, if you can't solve it here, you can say everybody can solve it down there. state by state, make their decision. new york would have some of the most liberal decisions on this issue. you would perhaps have utah or arkansas, having less liberal decisions. >> karl rove, can you imagine the next presidential campaign, republican candidate flat out saying i'm for gay marriage? >> i could.
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let's stay here for a moment, one of the interesting things to me here, we talked about justice roberts and justice kennedy. i'm interested in ruth bader ginsburg. maybe not imposed one national view from the court on roe v wade. we may see a decision that in essence, that has a 6-3, 7-2, that says leave it up to the states. in fact, we could see an 8-1. >> interesting, jim, the president isn't willing to go quite that far. i sat down with him two weeks ago. he said that gay marriage is a guarantee by the constitution, basically that he can't imagine circumstances in a state where a ban could be upheld, but still not going quite that far. >> well, look, i think he's been clear on his position.
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the country has had a discussion led by him on his evolution. i agree with terry, the country has moved dramatically on this in ten years. 37% support it ten years ago. now, 58%. including 18 -- 81% of the young people. people look at young voters on this and contraception. i think they're completely out of touch. the president has laid out arguments, the president has said very clearly, we do not favor discrimination, that's why we have come out against prop 8 and we have come out every state's attempt to regulate this. >> go ahead. >> one of the things that happened, senator portman coming out this week, saying that his son's gayness and that's changed his mind. people have liberated themselves in this country. there are tons of republican legislators in the federal government and state government who have sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, colleague and friends who are coming out and saying, how can
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you really stand against this? and that is how the change is happening. >> is this movement inevitable? >> oh, george will said something here a few weeks ago, he said, look, opposition is literally dying out, it's the older americans, not the younger americans. one of the things that i like about a compromise in which state by state, it's not only localities, it also takes a little time. some times it's good to take time. may i note, by the way, ruth bader ginsburg, a famous court liberal, her acknowledging very recently, in the "times" today, that the roe v. wade decision, the abortion decision, had gone too far, that's an epic statement. >> for right now. thank you all for a terrific roundtable. check out our web extra at coming up -- check out these
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long lines at atms. in tiny cyprus. do they mean your 401(k) are at risk and the president's mission in the middle east, when we come back. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. governor of getting it done. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. this is awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is, business pro. yes, it is. go national. go like a pro.
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let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. more roundtable coming up. but first, take a look at the president's picks for march madness. >> all right, mr. president, we have a new term, previous term, you went 1-3. >> i think we can do better. four new years. notre dame against ohio state. i don't know if you saw the uniforms notre dame wore. >> that's one reason they shouldn't go if any further. i like syracuse, mainly because biden said if i didn't pick them he wouldn't talk to me. >> who goes to the final four? >> i think louisville this year has the horses to go real far. for the championship, i'm going back to the big ten. i think this is indiana's year. >> wow.
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♪ we got a terrific businesslike relationship. you know, he is very blunt with me about his view on issues. >> barack, it's a great pleasure for me to host you here in
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jerusalem. >> i want to express a special thanks to sarah and your two sons. i did inform the prime minister that they're very good-looking young men who clearly got their looks from their mother. >> well, i could say the same for your daughters. >> that is true. our goal is to improve our gene pool by marrying women who are better than we are. >> a little bonding for bibi and barack right there. we're going to talk about that trip and a lot more coming up on our next roundtable. joined by abc global affairs correspondent christiane amanpour, jeffrey goldberg, rana foroohar and dan senor. jeffrey, let me begin with you, you were on the trip, you labeled it operation desert shmooze. the white house made it clear,
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people shouldn't expect a reignition of the peace process. what is exactly did they want to achieve and did they meet that goal? >> i think they achieved their goal. their goal was to reintroduce the president to the israeli people. to go over the heads of the prime minister, his new best friend, if necessary, in order to create space for new negotiations. to put his arm around him, netanyahu is in an insecure position in the middle east. to put his arm around him, and say, i got this iran thing, i'm going to explain why i have this so you don't have to worry and you certainly don't have to go off and attack iran without me. i think they probably achieved more than they thought they would achieve when they left. >> well, look, as jeffrey said, everyone wanted to see barack barack in israel. israelis felt they had the cold shoulder from him in his first term. i think he's right. you know, he went to convention center in jerusalem, he talked
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to the students, the young people there, it was very moving. he gave a whole case to the importance of the israeli/jewish relationship. how american relationship was very close. and then he laid out iran, peace between the palestinians and the israelis, and did the whole thing. from what israeli officials told me, peace between israelis and palestinians wasn't high on the agenda. that wasn't the objective of this. it was nice to say it and very important. but it was iran and the real question is, does this trip further work when it comes to iran? is it about cementing u.s. to go to war -- is it about diplomacy? israelis gave him a big cheer -- >> it was interesting when we saw the prime minister netanyahu, what he said about iran. he basically extended the time line once again before military action would be necessary. >> if iran decides to go for a nuclear weapon, that is to
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actually manufacture the weapon, then it will take them about a year. i think that's correct. but we do have a common assessment on these schedules, on intelligence, we share that intelligence. we don't have any -- any argument about it that. >> and that was an interesting point that he made. that the united states and israel are in sync. we saw prime minister netanyahu at the u.n. last year, 16 months before a nuclear weapon. now, it's another year. he seems to be extending the time line a little bit. dan, is that because he believes that barack obama in the end will be willing to strike? >> the last spring, at the policy conference, his policy prevention, prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon, not containment. we'll do everything we need to do and containment won't work.
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in an essence, president was taking his own at home, containing an iran nuclear program is unworkable. for him to say that in israel on the grounds, was a powerful statement. i think, it had the effect of reassuring the prime minister and the president seems to have discarded, or at least seriously subordinated the policy, so, he's telling israel we're not going to pressure you on the palestinian track. they're calling them nonconstructive. we're actually going to sound tougher on iran. >> does that tough talk mean that some kind of military action is inevitable in this second term for president obama? >> i don't think so. i think a lot of people will say privately a military intervention in iran would be catastrophic. signs for a better diplomacy. last week was iranian new year,
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for the first time since the republic was founded, actually said that he was opened for discussions. he didn't say that these were off the table. that he wanted to move forward with diplomacy. he lauded the president. that's taken amongst the iranians as a big sign. and something really different. this is a moment, the talk has been tough on part of the president. but this is perhaps a moment to step back and let the iranians move forward. >> do you agree with that? >> i don't. i definitely thinks it's preferable not to have military action. i think, though, we have been fooled in the past by statements from iranian leadership, they're moving in a definite direction. one of the main worries of american and israel military planners, is that they're going to use this time, the iranians are using this time to install faster centrifuges. the real concern is that iran
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will sprint to a bomb in between these inspections. in other words, it will take a month or two to cross the nuclear threshold. this is the big worry. >> so, what i hear from experts from all sides, you know what, they don't have to make the bomb, it's all about capability. they may already be there, not far from there. the question is, will they take the decision to convert that to that? there's no indication they have. but iranians can play this out. and so can the americans. some really do believe that this is the only way that it's going to proceed for the next several months. keep it on this sort of cooker, this slow, burning cooker. where you have this diplomacy and you see what comes up. >> that's iran. the boiling point may have been reached on syria. the president was questioned in israel why he hasn't stepped in with more military aid to the opposition. >> well, i think that it's fair to say that, the united states often finds itself in a situation, where, if it goes in
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militarily, then it's criticized for going in militarily. if it doesn't go in militarily, people say, why aren't you doing something militarily? my response at this stage, is to make sure that what we do contributes to bringing an end the bloodshed as quickly as possible. >> maybe i'm overreading this, dan senor, the words that stuck out to me, "at this stage." >> yeah. >> we know that the president is getting pushed from several members of congress. he's been reluctant so far. and even though he was still pushing back a bit, he did leave the door open. >> sure. in fact, when i talked to government officials in the arab world and in israel, what do you think of the u.s. foreign policy these days? the one word they say is syria. syria is a case study in u.s. foreign policy failure. 2 million internally displaced. million people refugees. 70,000 dead. strategically, it's embarrassing
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for the u.s. and it's worrisome to the israelis and the gulf. but i think one thing that the president said in israel, which was encouraging to many who want action against syria, when he talked about chemical weapons, he said syria moving chemicals weapons into terrorist groups, i actually think that he's now lowering the threshold for some kind of action. >> that's very interesting. because, chemical weapons was, you know, the big question this last week. they said publicly they know that chemical weapons were used. the americans are saying no. what does that mean about a red line? and then, you know, you got this whole issue, i just came back from europe, the british and the
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french are going to lower the barrier and probably allow the syrian rebels to be armed. they're way ahead. is the u.s. going to be leading from behind again? >> we just marked the tenth anniversary of a military intervention by the united states, which had huge consequences that we're living with today. this syria case is consequences of nonintervention. in other words, the president of the united states can't catch a break in the middle east. we might wind up a couple of years from now, thinking, man, we really should have done something a couple of years earlier to stop what's unfolding in syria. >> we're not even really sure this opposition is and who we would be arming. >> yeah, well, i would go back to the some of the successes of obama's trip, one of the big unheralded success is netanyahu's apology to turkey. and turkey's prime minister. because that creates an interesting new alliance. moving forward diplomatically before the incident with the
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flotilla two years ago. it creates a new alliance, egypt, turkey, qatar, it could be as these anti-assad countries sort of alie under one banner -- >> she's right on that. the israelis, the turks, they're all very concerned about this. but i also think we don't know who the opposition is. yes, there are bad actors -- >> we can shape that. >> right. we have no equity, no investment, no shaping, no nothing, we don't really know them. and the fact that all of these bad guys are there, is because of the vacuum that has been created -- exactly. >> you make an excellent point. netanyahu doesn't go around apologizing. >> i'm surprised he did. >> he's not a big -- he realized that israel and turkey have a common, dire problem, the threat of syrian chemical weapons. he had to swallow his pride and say, i'm going to work with this guy on this.
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>> brought down off the ledge. >> we only have a couple of minutes left. ron, you're and economic expert here, i want to talk for just a minute about cyprus, the idea that tiny nation could set off shock waves for the entire global economy is amazing to a lot of people. on the other hand, when you hear one of the things they're considering is actually taxing everybody's bank accounts. >> if you look at the size of cyprus, it has an economy about the size of vermont. but, what it underscores is the fact that years on into the european debt crisis, there's still no common way to resolve a country that's going into sovereign collapse, to get a banking system out of bankruptcy. europeans don't know what will happen. as you said, the first proposition in cyprus, would have included a one-time tax, essentially taking depositors' money.
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they could lose their money. that's presumably off the table. it looks like the cypriots will be trying to hit the offshore money. bottom line is, if you live in another beleaguered country like spain or italy, you might be thinking of going to bank and take your money out. >> and just the fact that eu was floating this idea and the authorities in cyprus were floating this idea means, this is the beginning of the end of the euro, people have no confidence they can deposit their funds in the bank creates insecurity. >> real quickly, another deadline tonight for a possible agreement, do you think we'll see real reactions in our financial markets this week? >> i think that, if there's no deal tonight, and if the beginning of a disorder collapse and exit from the euro on monday, absolutely. if there's an agreement and
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it looks like there's a time line for cyprus to work this problem out and it doesn't causes social instability in that country we'll be okay. and we don't know yet. >> and when we come back -- a life of service after political scandal. "fall to grace" is in our "sunday spotlight." "fall to grace" is in our "sunday spotlight." look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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"sunday spotlight" is next, right after the "sunday funnies." >> there he is, filling it out. everyone watches him do everything. obama picked indiana, louisville, florida state. to reach the final four. he had indiana to win. republicans blocked that. we're learning more and more about the new pope, pope francis i, interesting, i read that he turned to the priesthood after he was dumped by his childhood sweetheart. dumped by his sweetheart. you know what that means? we could one day expect to see
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in every person's life, one has to look deeply into the mirror of one's soul and decide
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one's unique truth, not as we may want to see it or hope to see it, but as it is. and so my truth is that i'm a gay american. it's remarkable how grace works in our lives, when we're broken we begin to understand that there's a potential to have a different value shift. to live a different way. >> he's just so uplifting. his love radiates. you can tell that it's genuine. >> what a journey it has been for jim mcgreevey since he stepped down as new jersey's governor back in 2004. now with a prison ministry. that story is now told in a documentary "fall to grace." we're joined now by jim mcgreevey and the filmmaker alexandra pelosi. thank you both for coming on. jim, turn back the clock. ten, sa years, when you thought ahead to 2013, you thought a lot more about the white house than a women's
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prison. >> sure. i think that was the driving impetus, to think about politics and the inevitable. or what i would have hoped to be the inevitable next step. but, the blessing of 2004, in my resignation, i had the opportunity to reassess my values, what was at my core, a dear friend said, if you could do anything at this point in life, think about pursuing what your passion would be. when i was in high school and law school, i thought about entering into the priesthood the jesuits then, i had an opportunity to reassess where i was, and go deeper into my sense of values. >> he calls it a blessing, alexandra, you describe him as a broken man, and what a rich story, to show how a broken man seeks redemption. >> everyone deserves a second act. everybody deserves redemption.
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we all have made mistakes that we're not proud of. we all think in this time of year it's good to talk about getting forgiveness about our sins. >> it wasn't easy to convince him to do this? >> no, he never really wanted me around. the first time i met him and his partner, i would like to make a movie about you, they said, please go away, no. but here we are, two years later. >> exactly. what was so special alexandra was the trust that she incurred with the women. we took a vote. do we want to continue this? alexandra and the handheld camera was in their faces. as they talked about the most difficult aspects of their lives. she gives meaning and purpose to these women. if any good comes out of this, as we drive by those high, concrete walls with barbed wires, that we understand there are human beingses behind those walls. 5% of the world's population. we're number one, we're ahead of
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russia and rwanda. what alexandra's film shows is the importance of providing treatment, particularly to 70% of person behind bars that are active addicts. >> when i think about your story, what is it about this ministry? >> it's redemptive as alexandra says. for me, i remember when the dean of the seminary said that i do prison ministry, frankly it was a safe place for me to go. then, you spend time with people who are broken and then you see the sense of goodness within them, but you have to work with them and i also achieved a parallel blessing. they working with me to move to a more godly place. >> everyone can see more of this story, "fall to grace," airing this week on hbo, thursday night. thank you both. now, we honor our fellow
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americans who serve and sacrifice. this week, the pentagon released the name of one soldier killed in afghanistan. and that's all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news" with david muir tonight and i'll see you tomorrow on "good morning america."
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>> notice news, two marines were killed and we know more bat killer and the victim. and here is the pope's message to the faithful. >> from the sutro camera look at the golden gate bridge, you can see the fog that is beginning to erode. another beautiful day on the way but we are looking at rain returning to the bay
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>> good morning, i'm indicate marzullo in for carolyn tyler this morning. let's take a quick look at the weather. good morning, lisa. >> good morning, katie. we will show what you a beautiful day it is going to be. temperatures in the 30s. we had upper >>s earlier in the north bay. right now numbers are beginning to cover and we are looking still a cool day at the coast. ocean beach and point rays upper 50. the sea breeze kicks in later on this afternoon. that sets the stage for a cooler monday. then we will talk about more clouds